Published journal articles

Kovalenko K., E. D. Reavie, S. Figary, L. G. Rudstam, J. M. Watkins, A. Scofield, C. T. Filstrup. Zooplankton-phytoplankton biomass and diversity relationships in the Great Lakes. PLoS ONE 18(10): e0292988. Read

Figary, S. E., K. Holeck, C. Hotaling, J. Watkins, J. Lantry, M. Connerton, S. Prindle, Z. Biesinger, B. O’Malley, L. Rudstam. 2023. Lake Ontario’s nearshore zooplankton: Community composition changes and comparisons to the offshore. Journal of Great Lakes Research. Read.

Jordan, P. D. B., S. E. Figary, T. E. Brooking, K. T. Holeck, C. W. Hotaling, A. J. VanDeValk, L. G. Rudstam. 2023. The effects of Bythotrephes longimanus invasion on diets and growth of age-0 yellow perch in Oneida Lake, New York. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. Read.

Figary, S. E., M. F. Meyer, W. J. S. Currie, and ZIG Participants. 2022. Building a worldwide freshwater zooplankton dataset to synthesis patterns of zooplankton community structure and change. Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin. Community News. Read.

Figary, S. E. and K. L. Schulz. 2021 Spines and surplus: Existing inducible defenses and abundant resources may reduce the impacts of Cercopagis pengoi on a likely prey species. Aquatic Invasions. 16(3): 461–481, 2021.16.3.05. Read.

Figary, S., N. Detenbeck, and C. O’Donnell. 2021. Guiding riparian management in a transboundary watershed through high resolution spatial statistical network models. Journal of Environmental Management. 278(2): 111585. Read.

Holmes, C. J., S. Figary, K. L. Schulz, and C. E. Cáceres. 2016. Effects of diversity on community assembly in newly formed pond communities. Ecosphere 7(7): e01377. Read

Kring, S. A., S. E. Figary, G. L. Boyer, S. B. Watson, and M. R. Twiss. 2014. Rapid in situ measures of phytoplankton communities using the bbe FluoroProbe®: Evaluation of spectral calibration, instrument intercompatibility and performance range. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 71(7): 1087-1095. Read

Manuscripts in preparation

Figary, S., J. Watkins, B. Lauber, A. Scofield, and L. Rudstam, Revisiting zooplankton as indicators in the Great Lakes: What indicators summarize changes in the zooplankton community composition over time? Journal of Great Lakes Research. In review.

Figary, S., P. DeWitt and N. Detenbeck. pTITAN2: Permutation of Treatment Labels and Threshold Indicator Taxa ANalysis. F1000Research. In open review


Figary, S. 2017. Wissahickon Watershed Stream Monitoring and Assessment Program: A summary of data collected by the Wissahickon Valley Watershed Association from 2004-2016. Executive Report

Begay, J., T. Dannan, K. M. Edwards, S. Figary. 2012. Economic impact analysis of Onondaga County’s green infrastructure program, Save the Rain. Executive Report. Read